Friday, December 10, 2010

Chronology of Chiang Chuan Pioneers in Sarawak


At the dawn of the 19th century, Chinese pioneers from Chiang Chuan clans left their home country either to escape their domestic turmoil or in search of better future development overseas. Leaving their homeland or the two prefecture-level divisions of Zhang Zhou and Quan Zhou in the Fujian province of China, they undertook precarious journeys across the unforgiving ocean weathering great danger ultimately landing in the land of Hornbill, Sarawak. The phrase “Chiang Chuan” consists of two keywords namely “Chiang” which derives from the word “Zhang” of Zhang Zhou division and the word “Chuan” which derives from the word “Quan” of Quan Zhou division. Originating from the Fujian province, “Chiang Chuan” people were thus generically known as “Hokkien” which is the equivalent of the word Fujian in local dialect.  

In this new wild land our pioneers endured extreme hardship. They battled tropical diseases. They had to adapt to the local jungle, fauna and wild animals. In this new untouched land the pioneers had to start from scratch with their bare hands. Since the pioneers arrived in many separate batches they were often lonely, homesick and helpless. However they continued their pioneering saga with unwavering spirit. Entrepreneurial Chiang Chuan clan were equipped with courage, diligence and congeniality enabling them to build cordial harmonious relationship with local indigenous people. Together the pioneers and the local indigenous people jointly laid down foundation for present day prosperity and progress. 

For common benefit of all pioneers in this foreign isolated land, our pioneers began forming organizations and associations to forge a stronger sense of fellowship. It also began as a networking platform for advancing their commercial interests, preserving mutual wellbeing and furthering their cultural continuity.

The majority of Chiang Chuan people worshipped and sought spiritual refuge in the Deity of Land or “Tu Di Gong” who is colloquially known in Hokkien as “Tua Pek Kong”. “Eng Ang Den” temple of Sibu became a local landmark and religious centre. Our pioneers also worked together to establish other Tua Pek Kong temples which sprung up all over Sarawak like mushrooms after the rain. Although our pioneers had arrived at a distant land far away from their homeland, they continued to place great importance on their traditional Chinese custom of ancestor worship, respect for the elders and filial piety. Hence they opened up and maintained new burial grounds for communal use where clan members can have a common burial ground.

After settling down, the pioneers immediately recognized the great importance of educating their young ones. They firmly believed in the principle that “poverty shall not starve them of education”. Hence even during difficult times they shouldered great financial burden in establishing private schools. Their private schools educated their next generation, cultivated skilled talents and ensured continuity of their mother tongue. Many of these schools continue to operate until now.

According to historical writing, by the 1840s there were already pioneers from Chiang Chuan clans arriving in Sarawak. They were building atap houses, settling permanently and forming villages. According to Sarawak Gazette published on the 24th day of January 1871, there were already Chiang Chuan pioneers conducting barter trade with and buying local produce from the natives. They played an important role in the economic progress of Sarawak for instance in the banking sector, shipping sector, import and export business. Many famous merchants of our clan were respected by all races. Their contributions to Sarawak were accordingly recognized by the government. They were awarded titles and posts or have roads named after them. Their contributions therefore became part of the eternal collective memory.

Since the era of White Rajahs in the 1920s through to the British Colonial times until post-independence present day, many pioneers and members from the Chiang Chuan clan have volunteered to serve. They served their community and country. They participated in political elections. They were appointed as community representatives, councilors and association leaders. In more recent times our political representatives include the Assistant Minister YB Datuk Dr Soon Choon Teck and the Assistant Minister YB Larry Sng Wei Shien.

In 1989, the Federation of Chiang Chuan Association of Sarawak was established with the aim of promoting a unified Chiang Chuan through co-operation, communication and integration between its members. At the same time it strives to create an open and tolerant society for a better tomorrow. Today the Federation comprises of 16 members. Hence today we are celebrating the founding of the Federation of Chiang Chuan Association of Sarawak.  

Chiang Chuan pioneers are our ancestors who have made Sarawak our home. We as their descendants have today inherited their history of sacrifice and hardship as our heritage and legacy. Without their contribution, our achievement today would have been impossible. Without political stability and support of all the other races in Sarawak, our prosperity today would have been impossible. Chiang Chuan people have therefore become one with the people and land of Hornbill Sarawak. Let us now look into the future and hold hands together to strive for a better Sarawak.


19世紀初叶,中国内部战乱频繁、政治局势动荡不安。漳泉先辈为求生存, 不惜冒着生命的危险及忍受着与至亲们分离的痛苦,离乡背井,远渡南。先辈们凭着百折不挠的精神,歷盡艰辛,终于来到了砂拉越-犀鸟之乡。这些先辈皆来自中国福建省的漳州及泉州, 现今俗称的福建人

 为了生活,先贤们忍受着思乡之苦,奋力与毒蛇猛兽及热带雨林的各种疾病搏斗。 他们筚路蓝缕, 在这一片荒芜的土地上开始了拓荒之路。经过一番奋斗, 终于有了收获。漳泉人勇于创业、善于应变的性格,为所在之地开拓了商机,带来一片欣欣向荣的景象。性格开朗与人为善喜交朋友的漳泉人很快的与其他族群建立良好关系,共同奠定了这块土地日后的繁荣与进步。





 据文宪记载,自1840年代,闽南漳泉人已来到砂拉越并在这里定居。根据1871124日出版的砂拉越宪报的报导,当时在当地已有闽南漳泉属先辈,并与当地的友族进行物物交换,收购土产等经济活动。砂拉越州的经济,如银行业、船运业、大商行及出入口生意等更是逐渐繁荣与进步。在全砂各地, 漳泉属先辈皆是备受各族人仕尊敬的成功商人。为了表彰他们的功绩,砂州政府特颁有功勛衔予他们,并设置以他们的名字命名的道路以做永久纪念。

 从二十年代白色拉者时期及英殖民地时代,一直到今天独立时代,曾有多位漳泉先贤挺身而出,或参加竞选,或受委为侨长、各级议员、社团领袖等。 他们都不遗余力地为地方、社会及国家的发展作出贡献。 自大马立国以来,漳泉的多位乡长都相继当选为国、州议员,并分别在国会以及州内阁为民请命。其中包括今日在朝的砂州助理部长拿督孙春德医生、孙伟轩乡贤等等。


